Coronavirus – (COVID-19)
Our world is currently impacted by the spread of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus). How should Canadian Seventh-day Adventist entities prepare, especially if it continues to expand? Each church should develop a plan for this World Health Organization pandemic. Following are proposed guidelines, thought questions, and ideas.
Please keep in mind these points in developing your plan:
1. Simple/short plans are best
2. Balance and common sense are critical
3. Each entity should respond according to the local threat, keeping in mind your own unique situation
Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference Recommended Guidelines Document
Office COVID Protocols
Please take note that our Conference Office is now requiring masks to be worn in the building. Hand sanitizer is also provided at the entrance. We are striving to keep everyone safe. Thank you for your help!
Updates and Resources
- Government of Canada – Mass Gatherings
- Government of Canada – Outbreak Update
- Manitoba Health
- Saskatchewan Health Care
- Prevention & Planning Resources for Churches (ARM)
- Prevention & Planning Resources for Schools (ARM)
COVID-19 Vaccines Resources

The General Conference of SDA’s has an updated document on vaccination that was produced by the General Conference Administration, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference Health Ministries, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, General Conference Office of General Counsel, and Loma Linda University Health. It builds on the church’s immunization statement voted in April 2015 which was before Covid-19 and affirms both the 2015 statement and the information on the COVID-19 vaccines shared by the GC in December 2020. All members are encouraged to read this update and to share it with others who may be looking for this info. The update can be found here:
Other Resources
- North American Division Statement
- NAD Resource Document on COVID-19
- Loma Linda University Health answers FAQ
- NAD Symposium Broadcast on COVID-19 Vaccine, the Bible, Science, and Faith links & information