Welcome to the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference (Man-Sask) website. We are the headquarters for the Seventh-day Adventist Churches and Schools in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan and territory of Nunavut. Worldwide, our denomination has almost 19,000,000 members, to which our Conference contributes over 4000 members.

The Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference
Mission and Vision
God's Mission for us is to:
Develop a disciple-making culture to create healthy vibrant churches that
actively connect the people in their communities to Jesus.
God's Vision for us is to:
Foster a United Prayer emphasis for all our churches to strengthen the urgency of our mission for God.
Uplift the importance of the preaching of a Righteousness by Faith in all the churches.
Implement a Total Member Involvement culture and community consciousness in all our churches.
Area training for broad spectrum communicability service including health ministries.
Develop small groups in every church as a major source of relationship building for the community to become integrated into the church family.
Cultivate a worship and guest care consciousness that builds relationships between unchurched people and God.
Evaluate our territory to strategically accelerate church and school planting initiatives.
Double the number of churches in our mission territory, double attendance.
Design Camp Meeting as a spiritually inspiring, discipleship equipping, and outreach event.
The culture of our schools will be community and outreach focused equipping teachers, staff, and Adventist parents in the mission school paradigm.
Reach children and youth conference-wide through Camp Whitesand.
Based on our unique strengths, actively share Jesus and His soon coming with the Man-Sask Conference area through a multidimensional evangelistic outreach.#
Mission of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church
To call all people to become disciples of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the everlasting gospel embraced by the three angels’ messages (Revelation 14:6-12), and to prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.
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