Do you want to renovate your life?
Come join us at the Women's Ministry retreat in Russell, Manitoba as we learn how to renovate our lives with God.
You will be inspired by Paulie Rogers* as she tells her story of how she renovated her house with God's help.
You will not want to miss this amazing opportunity to learn and grow in your relationship with God. Register today and reserve your spot!
Fill out the form below now to register for the retreat!
Registration Information
Registration fee is $183 which includes meals, GST, PST and Staff gratuities.
Late registration will be $193 and will close May 5th.
Registration will begin at 4 pm on the 26th and supper will start at 6pm.
IMPORTANT ONLINE/ELECTRONIC PAYMENT INFORMATION: You can pay your registration online through E-Transfer at: etransfer@mansaskadventist.ca
Be sure to add note: Women's Ministry Retreat 2023
PayPal payment option is also now possible through this link:
Room Information
Regular rooms are $108 plus tax, per night (1-4 people)
Suites are $144 plus tax per night (1-6 people)
You will have to call (204-773-2186) Russell Inn and book your rooms BEFORE APRIL 21, 2023. Toll free 1-800-665-0678
When booking your room - just let them know that you are with the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference Seventh-day Adventist Women's Ministry Retreat.

We are happy to announce the plans for our upcoming in-person Christmas event this December 11. Registration is free and both in-person and Zoom attendance are available.
DATE: December 11, 2022, 2:30 PM
LOCATION: Living Hope SDA Church, 504 29th St W, Saskatoon
REGISTRATION: Register by November 30 at

Finding A HEALTHY YOU in the Bible
Eccl 3:13
1 Cor 10:31
Isa 26:3
Prov 17:22
1 Peter 2:2
James 5:16
Eph 3:20
Prov 12:25
3 John 2
Deut 7:15
Isa 40:31
James 5:13
Matt 11:28
Ps 29:11
Isa 1:19
Prov 16:24
Ps 92:12-14
Prov 11:25
Isa 57:18,19
Ps 56:8
Ps 34:18
Ps 42:11
Phil 4:19
Heb 12:1
Ps 27:14
James 5:15
Mark 6:31
Gen 1:29
Isa 58:11
Ps 43:5
Isa 40:29
Prov 17:22
Mal 4:2
Prov 12:25
Prov 15:4

We are so excited to announce the plans for our upcoming in-person retreat this spring. It has been a long time since we have met together and we look forward to seeing you again.
DATES: May 27-29, 2022
LOCATION: Camp Whitesand
PRICE: $200 (Early bird fee ends April 29, 2022) & $100 for Sabbath only
** Late Registration is $215. Registration closes on May 11, 2022
*** Sabbath Only Registration closes on May 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Price includes meals, registration, accommodations, and a donation back to the camp.
T-SHIRTS upon request at registration and pay for on Friday when arriving (cut off for the T-Shirts is May 11 at 11:59 PM.

Dr. Darlene Blaney, PhD. NCP, CFT
- Author of 4 cookbooks and a cleanse book
- Author of the official CHIP Cookbook with Dr. Hans Diehl.
- Owner/operator of a nutrition college called "Total Health School of Nutrition"
- Owner/operator along with her husband of a health store and Nutrition Consulting practice
- Volunteer Health Coordinator of the Alberta SDA Conference for 20+ years
- International speaker, cooking class instructor
- Health Presenter on It Is Written Canada & Cooking Presentations on 3ABN
- Married 33 years this August.
- 4 sons, 2 daughter-in-laws, 2 grandsons

- Saute 2 onions, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced and 2 stalks celery, diced in oil.
- Add 4 carrots ( diced ) and cover with water. Simmer for 40 minutes.
- Add 1 red, 1 orange and 1 yellow pepper, diced. ( you can use less peppers). Simmer for 15 minutes more.
- Add 1 tin of diced tomatoes, 1 tin corn, 1 tin white kidney beans, drained, and 1 tin black beans, drained. Add 1 package of Yves Burger Burger.
- Add these seasonings: 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp oregano, 1 tsp basil, 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp chili powder, 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsp garlic powder.
- Add water whenever needed. Ready when hot.

Our Monthly Devotional Thought
A Healthy You
We are in a world of suffering, difficulty, trial, and sorrow... Today I want to tell you that the rougher and cloudier the road appears, the more power is available for us to see the light.
Not The End
Today our world is plagued with wars, natural disasters, and pandemics, to just name a few. This is just the beginning of the accumulation of such horrors. Jesus
Incredible Love
WHAT IS LOVE? The Merriam-Webster dictionary states – love is a strong or constant feeling!! Example – mother or fatherly love.
A New You
We all get excited over NEW things!! Right? A new baby arrives and we ooh and awe over the precious little bundle. Admiring the sweet angelic face, tiny perfect fingers, and toes; Giving all the endearments we can bestow upon this NEW God-given, amazing darling little person.
Circle of Influence
If our Saviour Jesus Christ was with us physically today, would He be happy with the kind of life we are living?


Women's Ministry Director:
Fran Gorbenko