Trust of a Little Child

For Thou art my hope, O Lord God. Thou art my trust from my youth.

Psalm 71:5

When my youngest grandson was about five years old, the family's aging, wonderful doggie passed away.

My daughter was grief stricken, as she had had Angel for many years, so of course was very heartbroken to have her beloved pet close her eyes for the last time.

My grandson was worried about his momma’s sorrow and proceeded to comfort her with his tender little heart.  In words beyond his years, he went to his mom and courageously said, “Mommy, don’t worry about Angel.  Jesus will take care of her, and I know a lot about Jesus!”

Oh, the precious words spoken by children.  He had hope and trust in Jesus and gave his mom the comfort she needed.

How is it with us adults? Do we know a lot about Jesus?  Do we spend time with him each day building a special relationship with him so we can tell others that we know a lot about Jesus?

I hope we all can say without hesitation;



By Fran Gorbenko

Women's Ministry Leader
Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference