It's Your Decision

Enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings;
Do not spare; Lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.

Isaiah 54:2

We live in a decision-making era, every day, from the moment we open our eyes we begin to make decisions. You decide to stay in bed or to get up and start your daily routine; making decisions is not a new thing, we all know what it means to make decisions. All who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour know that the success of a Christian is to give Him the first place. To begin each morning with Him, “but seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”, says His word in Matthew 6:33.


Yes, this is the secret, (don’t misunderstand me) but this is not all; there is much more that this text is saying to us if we want the this promise to be fulfilled in our lives. You may get up every morning, read your Bible and pray and as soon as you're finished, you may feel empty and even worried with all responsibilities of the day, full of fear and doubts.

 “When humanity unites with divinity great things will happen”. And our part is deciding each day to believe the promises that we read in God’s word and decide to fly above the circumstances that come our way.

God will not make these decisions for you; this is your part you will have to make the decisions for yourself. You decide what thoughts control your mind, therefore the words that come out of your mouth are under your control. God wants to give you a blessing for each morning because he has promised to do so, his strength is at your disposal, but it is up to you to make them yours.

We live amid a conflict where evil reigns, the enemy walks around as a roaring lion, because he knows that he has but a short time, we must take up the armour daily to be able to stand against trials and tribulations.

Pay close attention what you feed your mind with, are you storing up more positive than negative? You cannot make positive decisions if you are feeding your mind with negative thoughts. Direct your attention to what you really want to achieve for the day.

Your attitude for today should be, I will enjoy my day, I will be happy, I will smile, I will hug my husband, my children. Today I have decided to be happy even if I must face negative circumstances. “Enlarge your territory, do not spear”, live a life of abundance in Jesus Christ. Those negative voices will be there 24/7, because the enemy only wants to destroy, kill and steel the blessings that God has in stored for you.

Be wise and make good decisions, do not listen to those voices, live above the problems with a positive attitude, it's not the circumstances that determine your attitude, it's your attitude that determines your future. In conclusion I just want to remind you that the difficulties will always be there every day. Be grateful for them, we cannot pray for God to remove all uncomfortable situations from our lives. God will not always remove them, instead he will use them to make you stronger and to make something new in your life.

May God help you today to imitate Him, leaving in his hands all the details of your life. Surrendering all your decisions, mind, soul and spirit at the foot of the cross. Jesus said, “Come on to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest”.

Decide today to trust in the One and Only Saviour who offers you the right solution, take the shield of faith today, all the beautiful promises that you may be able to quench the darts of fire of the evil one that he has prepared for you this day.

By Teresa Dixon

Family Ministry Leader

Henderson Highway SDA Church